I know this song came out a bit before the novel.. but every time I listen to them I wonder if Terry brooks had this album. Though it's probably also a bias on my part.. After all I some what consider RUSH's (a band I like btw)early albums to be pastiches of Led Zeppelin. So it makes them thematically similar to Brooks being a Tolkien Pastiche.
None of this is to say that some how the Band is at fault for the Sword of Shannara existing.. but I can't help but connect the three men of Willowdale to Shea, Flick, Menion Leah and Shady Vale.
Rest in peace, Howard Andrew Jones
3 hours ago
You know, you might be on to something there...
Excellent album, by the way. I love "The Fountain of Lamneth."
It is a fantastic album.
Thats something I've gotten called on in the past, when I claim that RUSH is a Led Zeppelin Pastiche (The same way HEART's first few albums are).. it dosen't mean I'm dismissing them. It actually is a huge compliment..
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